Too much or less of weight leads to many health related problems. Just as weight loss is difficult, it is also a natural task to increase the weight of a balanced weight, as well as increasing the weight of weight. Many people buy market products and instant weight like Instant Coffee.
who want to gain many health related issues for them in the future, so whenever you start the weight gain program, then you will have a balanced diet and stay Pay special attention to non-tolerance. If needed, you can get doctor's opinion.
- Who is Underweight?
According to Ayurveda, the person whose body is found on the vein, the fingers of the fingers become obese, the bones are visible only on the body, the meat muscles become depleted. Is lean or underweight
According to modern medical science, BMI (Body Mass Index) is used to find out if weight is low or more. According to this, weight is measured in proportion to age and length.
BMI = Weight in kilograms / (Height in meters) 2
Find out your Body Mass Index (BMI). And see what category this is in:
- Under 18.5 - Underweight
- 18.5 to 25 - Normal Weight
- 25 to 29.9 - Overweight
- More than 30 - Obese (excessive weight)
- Due to leanness / Reasons for being underweight in Hindi
- Take down dose
- Do not eat food on time
- Fasting
- Not taking nutritious food
- Heredity
- Do not take balanced food in proportion to physical labor
- Weight loss occurs in diseases like T.B., Hyperthyroid, Cancer, Anemia (Anemia).
- Diseases like eating anorexia, indigestion, chronic diarrhoea, IBS-irritable bowel syndrome, and also decrease weight when persistent.
- How to Increase Your Weight / How to Gain or Increase Weight

- Take Rich Diet
Do not miss the time to eat food, except for heavy breakfast in the morning, lunch and dinner on time. Between snacks, lunch and dinner, you can take healthy snacks in the middle, like fruits, juice, roasted grams, dry fruits.
- Take nutritious diet
Include ghee, butter, fruits, green vegetables, milk, curd, juice, jaggery, dry fruits, salads etc. in the diet.To increase body weight, include the nutritious foods described below in your diet -
- Milk
Milk is a great source of fat, calcium and vitamins. Milk is the best diet for weight gain; For this drink can be made by making bananas and mango masoes with milk. Mixing raisins and almonds together with it helps to increase the weight of the drink.
- Fruits
Fruits such as banana, mango, papaya, melon, watermelon, pomegranate, apple are considered to be very beneficial, they are all stores of energy, vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
- Ghee, Butter, Paneer, Curd etc.
There is also an important role of fat in the body weight increase. It is very useful to consume these dairy products in the right amount. These dairy products are important sources of fat, calcium and vitamins.
- Dry Fruits
Almonds, raisins, figs, cashews, pistachios, peanuts, etc. These are all good fats, carbohydrates and nutritional reserves. Consumption of them properly is not only helpful in increasing the weight of the body but filling the body with cleverness and increasing immunity power.
- Meat, fish, eggs, and pulses etc.

As a substitute for this, pulses, soybeans, rajma, paneer and dairy products These are the best alternatives for vegetarians, which are rich in protein along with other nutrients.
- Life Style / Lifestyle to gain weight in Hindi
- Good Sleep
It is very necessary to take deep and proper sleep for repair of old cells in the body and to build new cells. Good sleep provides adequate nutrition to the body. So sleep in time at night and sunrise Get up before you can enjoy the priceless sixth of nature. If you do not sleep at night then you can rest for a few days in the day.
- Do light exercises (Yoga, exercise etc)
The distribution of excess calories taken in the body is correct, increase the weight in proportion to the limbs, not only the fat on the stomach etc., hence walking in the morning, badminton, playing, cycling Yoga, Pranayam etc. are considered good remedies.
It also keeps cholesterol correct and body muscles are developed correctly. Some people like to go to the gym, for this, the gym instructor will take care of them. Follow the instructions, but do not use the urinal products in a hurry to instantly create health.
It is said that the worry is greater than the chita, but the chita still burns after death, but the anxiety remains alive, it burns the body. So if you want to be healthy, keep anxiety, stress, tension away from yourself.
- An Aware of Disease
If you are continuously consuming nutritious meals, you are also routinely following the routine, even if the weight is not rising but it is also falling, then you may be afflicted with any disease. Therefore, before starting any program of weight gain, contact the doctor first.
- If you want to increase weight immediately then eat it.
- Dry
Dried fruits are good sources of calories, nutrients and fiber (fiber). So add raisins, almonds, walnuts and cashew nuts to your diet. One cup raisins contain about 449 calories, whereas one cup of almond contains 529 calories.
- Cheese
Like other dairy products, cheese also has all the essential nutrients. There is plenty of fat in it and if you want to increase the weight quickly, it is useful for you. It contains proteins, calcium and cholesterol along with calories. So add something to make it more delicious. There is approximately 69 calories in a serving of cheddar cheese.
- Peanut butter
Peanut Butter is a rich source of protein and fat and is suitable for those who want to increase the weight. A spoonful peanut butter contains about 100 calories. There are very important nutrients in it. Fat which is fat in peanut butter is of unsaturated type which is good for your heart.
- whole milk
Fatty milk can be used with oatmeal, cereals, or it can also be sipped by adding chocolate. It is rich in calories and contains vitamin D and A. Use fat milk instead of fat-free milk, so that you can increase the weight quickly. A glass of fat milk contains about 120 - 150 calories.
- potato
Potatoes are a common vegetable and when people have to reduce weight then people generally do not like to eat it. But why should you stay away from it? It is a rich source of complex carbohydrate and is helpful in increasing weight. It has nutrient value and it is rich in starch, fiber and vitamin C. Eat potatoes with peels as it is rich in protein with peel or mix it in other vegetables. A medium sized potato contains about 150 calories.
- Pasta
Pasta is a delicious and calorie diet. It is also a good source of carbohydrate. Mix it in the vegetables and it becomes a good source of essential nutrients. A cup of macaroni contains about 390 calories, while one cup cooked spaghetti contains about 220 calories.
- Butter
Butter is a type of saturated fats and its small amount can be used to make food. It can be enjoyed with bread or fried substances or it can be added to enhance tastes in tasty foods.
- Healthy sweet fruit

- The eggs
Eggs are rich in calories and contain plenty of protein and nutrients. An egg contains approximately 70 calories and 5 grams fat. So it likes those people who want to make the body tight. It is also rich in omega 3 fatty acids, and in egg yolk there is a lot of cholesterol which is not unhealthy. So enjoy fried, boiled eggs and increase the weight quickly.
- Red flesh
Red meat without fat is rich in calories and it increases the weight quickly. For a healthy body it can be eaten as a healthy diet. It is also a good source of protein which is useful in making muscle muscles. Eat it in cooked form or fry it and eat it quickly.