- Weight gain method
To increase your weight, first of all you need to be fit. It does not mean that you want to increase the weight, you will not be physically active at all. Exercise and exercising will still be necessary. The best way to increase your weight is to eat high calorie foods. Consume more of those foods that have high calorie intake. But this does not mean that you eat a lot of junk food. Rather you have to give priority to health and high calorie intake. If you want to increase the weight healthily, then you have to swim breakfast in the morning. Chyavanprash is Ayurvedic medicines for weight gain. It is generally also good for almost everyone. This not only increases the physical energy but also keeps metabolism strong.
- Weight gain drugs
By taking asparagus pulses, not only do the eyes and muscles are good but it also increases the weight. Vasant Kusumkar juice gives the body not only internal energy, but also helps in quickening the weight. Ashwagagha is quick to effect the lifting of milk by water and milk and also helps in weight management. It is also effective in taking powder from powdered milk, ghee or honey. It is good to keep the chestnut in one and a half months by adding honey in hot and cold water.
Taking these Ayurvedic medicines will not have any side effects and you can increase your weight comfortably. But before taking any medication, you must contact an experienced veterinarian.
Yoga can be relieved by many kinds of troubles. People often have pain problems in the knees, ankles and feet. Many times it is due to some diseases such as arthritis, DVT etc. and, at times, it is caused by a nerves or a bad body poison. As your age progresses, your bones become weak, so many people have an acute pain problem at an early age. Apart from this, weight loss may be the problem of foot and knee pain. If you get the help of Yoga, then all such pain can easily be relieved. Tulesson is one such yoga, which is very beneficial for hands and feet. This will not only remove your pain, but also strengthen your bones, your mind keeps calm and digestion is fine.
- What is bunting !
Tulesson is a kind of yoga in which the shape of the yogurt becomes like a brace, ie the scales. All Yogaas have different effects on different organs but most yogaas keep your whole body healthy. The use of hand and feet in the tuscan is the main reason, so this yoga can be easily rid of many problems of hands and feet. But this seat is also beneficial for stomach and brain.
- Benefits of bunting
From the regular practice of gooness, the cloth and arms are strong.
This posture can be relieved by the pain of knees, ankles and feet.
Tulance makes your mind calm and enhances concentration.
With the practice of this asana, the digestion function remains fine and the balance of the body remains.
This posture is very beneficial for spine.
- How will you
Shoot the mat on the mat and sit in the lotus posture.
Place your hands on the mat next to your hips. Your wrists should be forward and fingers extended. After that breathe.
Try to breathe slowly and lift your body upwards while breathing.
Raise your body as much as you can lift Then gradually taking the breath out, your body will come back down to its first state.
While doing this asana, keep in mind that your hands should be straight at hand.
It will not be easy to do this Yoga in the first place. But daily practice of this posture makes it comfortable.
- Use these precautions
If you have tightness in your thighs or hips, do not post it.
If you have any injuries in the knee or heel, do not do this asana.
If there is any injury in the wrist or shoulder, then do not post it.