Just like yoga in the US and Europe countries, the popularity of Jal Nityi has also increased and water has become a permanent part of the Nitya Patra (pot) houses there. Water Neti is considered to be a wonderful compound remedy for cyanitis, cold-cold, allergic treatment and nasal tract (Najal track). It is believed that due to its regular practice the mind remains calm and its capacity is increased.
- What is water neti
Water is an action of Nitya Yoga. This is one of the accomplished actions of yoga. Under this, for cleaning the Najal track, a hole of nose is inserted into the water with light salt and it is taken out from the second hole. A special character is used to enter water into the nose, which is called Neti Kid.
- What is the matter
The FDA has objection to this vessel and the water to be filled in it. He says that if the cleanliness of the Neti character is ignored, then the person using it can become a victim of severe infection. He says that in this character, all types of bacteria, protozoa and amoeba can easily settle down in their home. Along with this, the FDA has also told the need to pay attention to the water quality being used for the water network.
He says that if there is any type of bacteria in water and Neti pot, then they can create their whereabouts in the natural track and cause serious infections. This can cause fever, bleeding from the nose, and headache. According to the FDA, the use of contaminated water for the water body has resulted in two people died from brain infection in Louisiana in the US. It was found in the investigation that these people had used tap water for water supply, in which there was a bacterium named Nagalia Follery.
- What to do
- Know how to do water management, know it properly.
- Water Neti's character should be clean and dry.
- Boil it properly in hot water to free the bacteria.
- Make the water pure by cleaning hands properly.
- Keep in mind that the water used for water management is clean and infection free.
- If possible, instead of conventional characters, use such scientific pots, which have a bulb syringe or are in the form of a squeeze bottle or they are powered by battery powered pulse water devices.