Eyes are the most important part of the body, then only in the Vedas it is said that the eyes are the best in all the senses. The reason for the loss of eyesight is the lack of vitamin A in the diet, due to which the eyes begin to weaken from a young age.The other reason is to sit down on the computer or watch television or watch television.The third reason is not to pay attention to cleaning the eyes.
- Main sight of weak eyes
Eyes begin to appear blurry
Tension of the eye muscles
Burning in the eyes
Water out of sight
Tension of the eye muscles
Burning in the eyes
Water out of sight
The redness of the eyes ends.
Take coriander seed and fennel powder in equal quantity and prepare a mixture. Also in equal proportion
Mix sugar too And in the morning and evening take 10 grams of sugar daily. It reduces the weakness of the eyes and also reduces the cataract problem.
Take two cardamom pieces and grind them and boil them in milk. And eat it at night before sleeping. This measure removes eye weakness.
One-fourth of butter
One teaspoon honey
And half a teaspoon of potato powder
This measure also weakens the eyes completely.
Let us tell you such Ayurvedic remedies which will enhance your eyesight-
- 1. Eating papaya daily increases the eyesight.
- 2. Eat the marmalade of apple and after that take the milk, doing so does make the eyes light faster.
- 3. Eating daily fruits and vegetables increases eye power.
- 4. If you drink carrot juice everyday, the eyesight will increase.
- 5. The consumption of apples and the juice of its juice increases the speed of the eyes.
- 6. Mixing of black pepper powder, ghee and sugar candy together consumes everyday eyesight.
- 7. Oil blindness in the thumb of the feet before bathing daily prevents the eyesight from prevailing.
- 8. Waking up early in the morning and standing in the park, walking on bare feet in the grass, weak eyes sharpens.
- 9. Wake up in the morning and fill the mouth with cold water in the mouth and spray it in the eyes with cold water.
- 10. Grind green coriander and take out its juice and filter it in clean cloth and it is okay with painful eyes by putting 2-2 drops in the eyes.
- Regularly clean eyes
Eyewitness surgery can cause eye irritation,itching, eyes getting red, yellowing, swelling, blurred eyes. To protect eyes from these problems, the eyes should be cleaned regularly. For this, you should wash your eyes with cold water 3-4 times a day well.
- Sleep well
Eight hours of sleep should be sufficient to give relief to the eyes. As well as to strengthen the skin around the eyes, massage with almond oil should be done with light hand under the eyes. It also removes dark circles under the eyes. Apart from this, anti-wrinkle cream should be applied under the eyes. The elements present in anti-wrinkle creams are vitamin C and green tea, which is beneficial in preventing the dark circles of eyes
- Check eyes from time to time
There should be no problem in the eyes, whether or not the eyes should be checked from time to time. Disease patients, especially diabetics, must be periodically checked for eyes because diabetes has a negative effect on the eyes and blindness may also occur if there is long duration of diabetes.
- Use of Good Quality Products
Eyes should be used on shades or glasses when leaving the eyes to protect the eyes from dust and soil. Also use only good quality products for eye make-up. Make eye make-up according to the needs of the eyes, i.e. avoid using things like mascara, antimony.
- Proper distance from computer

- Diet nutrients
To protect the eyes from illness, food rich in vitamins A and Vitamin should be taken. Milk, butter, carrot, tomatoes, papaya, eggs, pure ghee and green greens - vegetables should be eaten. Drinking in water this morning, drinking 8-9 glasses of water throughout the day is beneficial for the eyes, which destroys the toxic substances growing in the body.
- Other solutions
If there is tiredness in the eyes, soaking in cotton in the rose water and keeping eyes on the eyes gives eyes relief. It is better to scrub the two palms when you have pain in the eyes and rub it on your eyes for some time. While working on a computer, keep your chair according to the height of the computer. Do not see too much emphasis on the eyes and do not see the TV in the dark, it makes a lot of eye on the eyes.Carefully remove eye make-up before sleeping at night.
- Some other ways to keep eye care-
1. Do not constantly watch on the screen while working on a computer. Take a look at the screen at 20-minute intervals by doing so, eyes get relief.
2. To protect the eyes from sunlight, use the UV protective lens glasses.
3. Keep eyeballs blinking at least 10 to 12 times in 1 minute. Doing so does not let the eyes remain rigid.
4. Lying or tilting is also not good for the eyes. The light should come from behind when reading.
5. Eyes get damaged by reading a book in a moving bus or train.
7. Do not watch TV or computer much closer.
Through yoga, you can also increase your eyesight.
- First yoga
Turn your eyes both round and round. Then round your eyes in the opposite direction twice.
You keep snapping your eyelids fast faster than twenty to thirty times. Everyday morning, the salivary growth of the eyes of the face increases with the appearance of mascara on the eyes.In the morning, you rub each of your hands together and put the heat on your eyes. This remedy removes eye weakness.
- Screw
One way of enhancing the eyesight in Yoga is the constriction. In the dark room you burn your candle or lamp and keep your focus on the lamp continuously for five minutes.
Using these remedies will increase your eyesight.