Diabetes-Symptoms, causes, and treatments !

Is a very common and dangerous disease One in every five people in India is diabetes Today, we will try to know about this disease in details.
Diabetes is a disease in which the amount of glucose (blood sugar level) in the patient's blood is higher than the requirement. It may be due to two reasons: either your body is not producing enough insulin or your cells Not responding to the insulin being produced. Insulin is a hormone that regulates the metabolism of carbohydrate and fat in your body. Metabolism means that through the process in which the body digest food so that the body can get energy and it can grow.
The food we eat that goes into the stomach and turns into energy which is called glucose. Now it is possible to reach this energy / glucose within millions of cells present in our body, and this is possible only when our pancreas produces insulin in sufficient quantity. Can not enter glucose cells without insulin. And then our cells burn the glucose and give energy to the body. When this process is not done normally, the person suffers from diabetes.
In normal healthy person, the level of glucose in the blood remains 70 to 100 mg./dl before eating. After eating this level becomes 120-140 mg / dl and then gradually decreases. After diabetes, this level does not become normal and in excess of 500 cases it goes upto 500 mg / dl.
Smoking, sugar, dessert, glucose, jam, jar, ice cream, cake, pastry, sweet biscuits, chocolate, soft drinks, thick milk, cream, fried food, butter, ghee, and hydrogenated vegetable oil, white flour, junk food, Cookies, canned and preserved foods, etc.
Salt, meat, fish, egg, alcohol, tea, coffee, honey, coconut, other nut, unsweetened juices, sea food, etc.
Drink plenty of water, grapes, pomegranate juice, Indian blackberry, banana, apple, fig, black berry, kiwi fruit, citrus, fruit, cucumber, lettuce leaf, onion, garlic, radish, tomatoes, carrots, leaves, spinach turnips, cabbage And colorful vegetables, sugar free juice, raw banana, raw peanuts, tomatoes, bananas, melons, dried peas, potato, apple cider vinegar, skimmed milk powders, wheat, porridge, almonds, peas, grains, chickpeas, Bengal gram, black Gram, lentils, corn, soya sprouts and legumes , Bread, wheat husk, whole grain bread, whey, curd, etc.
Disease patients always use double toned milk. Eat less calorie foods such as roasted roasted peanuts, buttermilk, sprouted grains, soup, salad etc. By taking yogurt and buttermilk, glucose levels are lower and diabetes stays in control.
Taking 15-20 minutes before eating one or half teaspoon of fenugreek (roasted powdered) in the sugar control, it is beneficial and beneficial. Brush bread flour without using the broth and add soybean to enhance its quality.
Do not consume ghee and oil more than 4 spoons throughout the day. All vegetables should be cooked in nonstick cookware using at least oil. Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables.
About 1 hour before eating diabetics, you should walk fast and exercise and yoga also. Keep taking insulin and medicines at the right time. Regularly go to the doctor and do a checkup.
Diabetics should take 40 percent of total calories from carbohydrate substances, 40 percent by fatty substances and 20 percent protein-rich substances in their diet. If the diabetic patient is overweight, then he should take 60 percent of total calories from carbohydrate, 20 percent fat and 20 percent protein.
With this diabetic patients should take good amounts of protein and high quality. For this, more of the milk, curd, cheese, egg, fish, soyabean etc. should be consumed. Diabetic people taking diabetes and taking tablets taking insulin should take the food at the right time. If this does not happen, there may be hypoglycemia. This can lead to weakness, excessive appetite, sweating, blurred vision, or double vision, heartbeat, jerk, and coma if there is a serious condition.
The diabetic person should always keep any sweet things such as glucose, sugar, chocolate, sweet biscuit with you. If symptoms of hypoglycemia appear, they should be consumed immediately. A normal diabetic person should keep in mind that they should be eating some time in a while. Eat something in two or two and a half hours. Do not eat a lot of food at one time.

Is a very common and dangerous disease One in every five people in India is diabetes Today, we will try to know about this disease in details.
- What is Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease in which the amount of glucose (blood sugar level) in the patient's blood is higher than the requirement. It may be due to two reasons: either your body is not producing enough insulin or your cells Not responding to the insulin being produced. Insulin is a hormone that regulates the metabolism of carbohydrate and fat in your body. Metabolism means that through the process in which the body digest food so that the body can get energy and it can grow.
The food we eat that goes into the stomach and turns into energy which is called glucose. Now it is possible to reach this energy / glucose within millions of cells present in our body, and this is possible only when our pancreas produces insulin in sufficient quantity. Can not enter glucose cells without insulin. And then our cells burn the glucose and give energy to the body. When this process is not done normally, the person suffers from diabetes.
In normal healthy person, the level of glucose in the blood remains 70 to 100 mg./dl before eating. After eating this level becomes 120-140 mg / dl and then gradually decreases. After diabetes, this level does not become normal and in excess of 500 cases it goes upto 500 mg / dl.
- Type of diabetes:
- Type 1 diabetes: This happens when your body stops making insulin. In such cases, the patient has to give insulin outside. It is also called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, IDDM
- Type 2 diabetes: This happens when your cells do not react to insulin being produced. It is also called non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, NIDDM
- Gestational diabetes: This happens to women who are pregnant and have never been diabetic before. During pregnancy, blood glucose levels may be due to excessive requirement. have never had diabetes before, have a high blood glucose level during pregnancy. It may precede development of type 2 DM.
- Some facts related to diabetes:
- Type 2 diabetes sufferers die 5-10 years before healthy people.
- Type 2 Diabetes is the most common form of Diabetes.
- Diabetes can happen to people of any age group, even children.
- In India, due to non-cure, nearly 27,000 children die due to diabetes every year.
- 1 out of 5 people in India are affected by diabetes.
- If it is not controlled, it can result in heart attack, blindness, stroke, or kidney failure.
- By increasing healthy eating and physical activity, type 2 diabetes can be prevented by up to 80%.
- This is a genetic disease. That is, if you are having any of these diseases in the family, then you too may be.
- These are 8 lies which diabetics often talk to their doctor!
It is said that nothing should be hidden from the doctor, because it has its own disadvantage. The patients of diabetes have heard a lot of lying to the doctor. But, perhaps they can not understand how much diabetes can be fatal. With this, the whole body is affected and many new types of diseases can also occur. It is very important to keep blood sugar levels in control for living normal life.
- Lies 1- I check my blood sugar level regularly
Regular monitoring of blood sugar is important for keeping diabetes in control. However, according to the research, 3 out of 2 people carelessly take care of it. Those who keep their blood sugar in control with diet and exercise, they make sure to test their tests once a month. If someone has type 1 diabetes, then the sugar test should be at least 4 times in the day. Do the patients of type 2 diabetes do the checkup as per the doctor.
- Lies 2- I take all the medicines on time
According to a study, 20 to 40 percent of people do not even take blood sugar-controlling pills and injections according to the doctor's say. Now the reason for this is expensive medicines, or because of their side effects, not accepting the doctor, these people are cheating themselves. It is not easy to control diabetes without medication. Those people who have diabetes, depression, high blood pressure and high cholesterol have problems, they have to take many medicines and they become Confucius. But, it is worse than taking medicines
- Lies 3- I Exercise Everyday
According to the survey, 19 percent of the 100 people exercise only according to the doctor's say. Many people leave it in the middle. However, patients with diabetes should do regular exercises. Actually, cells get more help from glucose pulling with bloodstream from physical activity. This reduces your blood sugar levels. If you lie to the doctor, then they will write more medicine.
- Lies 4- I Always Have Healthy Foods
In Europe, India, Japan and the United States, it has been found that 50 percent of people do not make any change in their diet. They neither eat healthy nor avoid eating sugar. He does not know that from healthy eating, not only does blood sugar control, but also the problem of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and weight gain.
- Lies 5- My Sex Life Is Great
Many men and women shy away from sharing sex related problems with the doctor. Neither does he prosper in his personal life nor his health is well. Nowadays there are many medicines for problems related to sex. In such a case if someone's sex life is being disturbed due to diabetes, then share it with the doctor.
- Lie 6 I do not smoke
Those who have diabetes and they also smoke, they may have difficulties related to the heart. Apart from this, such patients may have a heart attack, there may be a problem related to kidney, eyesight can disappear, infection may occur in nerve damage and hands and feet.
- Lie 7- I am only a multivitamin account in the name of supplements
Those who have type 2 diabetes try to do herbal remedies. Taking these supplements can interfere with the doctor's given medicines. This can increase the risk of allergic or liver damage.
- Lies 8- I do not have any stress
If a diabetic patient is experiencing depression, talk to the doctor immediately. Do not delay in any kind, because due to depression the patient is unable to maintain healthy lifestyle and neither can take medicines on time.
- What to do when you are diabetes:
- Regularly check blood sugar.
- Avoiding is very important, carelessness can be later fatal. Later on avoiding blindness, amputation or dialysis would be easier to avoid.
- Do not take medicines lightly, and make sure to claim the doctor's time.
- Eat healthy and stay active. By exercising this can be controlled to a great extent.
- If possible, choose a partner like you to eat food, it will be easy to control your tongue.
- Lose enough amounts.
- Take a walk in the morning or evening.
- Diabetes Symptoms
- More thirsty or hungry
- Sudden loss of weight
- Feeling of constant weakness and fatigue
- Waking up
- Frequent urination
- Glance of things
- Skin infection and itching
- Avoid what food and drinks in diabetes:
Smoking, sugar, dessert, glucose, jam, jar, ice cream, cake, pastry, sweet biscuits, chocolate, soft drinks, thick milk, cream, fried food, butter, ghee, and hydrogenated vegetable oil, white flour, junk food, Cookies, canned and preserved foods, etc.
- Reduce intake of food items in diabetes:
Salt, meat, fish, egg, alcohol, tea, coffee, honey, coconut, other nut, unsweetened juices, sea food, etc.
- What foods and diets should be consumed in diabetes:
Drink plenty of water, grapes, pomegranate juice, Indian blackberry, banana, apple, fig, black berry, kiwi fruit, citrus, fruit, cucumber, lettuce leaf, onion, garlic, radish, tomatoes, carrots, leaves, spinach turnips, cabbage And colorful vegetables, sugar free juice, raw banana, raw peanuts, tomatoes, bananas, melons, dried peas, potato, apple cider vinegar, skimmed milk powders, wheat, porridge, almonds, peas, grains, chickpeas, Bengal gram, black Gram, lentils, corn, soya sprouts and legumes , Bread, wheat husk, whole grain bread, whey, curd, etc.
- Diet Plan For Diabetes Person
Disease patients always use double toned milk. Eat less calorie foods such as roasted roasted peanuts, buttermilk, sprouted grains, soup, salad etc. By taking yogurt and buttermilk, glucose levels are lower and diabetes stays in control.
Taking 15-20 minutes before eating one or half teaspoon of fenugreek (roasted powdered) in the sugar control, it is beneficial and beneficial. Brush bread flour without using the broth and add soybean to enhance its quality.
Do not consume ghee and oil more than 4 spoons throughout the day. All vegetables should be cooked in nonstick cookware using at least oil. Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables.
About 1 hour before eating diabetics, you should walk fast and exercise and yoga also. Keep taking insulin and medicines at the right time. Regularly go to the doctor and do a checkup.
Diabetics should take 40 percent of total calories from carbohydrate substances, 40 percent by fatty substances and 20 percent protein-rich substances in their diet. If the diabetic patient is overweight, then he should take 60 percent of total calories from carbohydrate, 20 percent fat and 20 percent protein.
With this diabetic patients should take good amounts of protein and high quality. For this, more of the milk, curd, cheese, egg, fish, soyabean etc. should be consumed. Diabetic people taking diabetes and taking tablets taking insulin should take the food at the right time. If this does not happen, there may be hypoglycemia. This can lead to weakness, excessive appetite, sweating, blurred vision, or double vision, heartbeat, jerk, and coma if there is a serious condition.
The diabetic person should always keep any sweet things such as glucose, sugar, chocolate, sweet biscuit with you. If symptoms of hypoglycemia appear, they should be consumed immediately. A normal diabetic person should keep in mind that they should be eating some time in a while. Eat something in two or two and a half hours. Do not eat a lot of food at one time.