Diabetes occurs once in a lifetime. It requires a regular routine and nutritional diet to control it. The reason for having diabetes is unhealthy eating habits, mental stress, obesity, lack of exercise etc. Due to which the number of patients is increasing day by day. It is important to have a healthy diet chart to control it. Decrease in secretion of insulin hormone leads to diabetes.
Diabetes can be caused by genetic or aging or due to obesity or stress. Diabetes is a disease in which a person has to live with extreme abstinence. If diabetics do not follow their routine then it is more likely to grow. Diabetic patients may have problems with eye and kidney disease, numbness.
The number of diabetic patients in India is increasing every day. Nearly every 5 Indians have 2 diabetes problems. Diabetes itself is not a terrible disease, but after this you gradually harm the different parts of the body by inviting various diseases. As we can easily see that the patient in the sugar may have problems like eye and kidney disease, numbness.
The importance of diet and diet as much as the importance of medicines and exercise to control diabetes. It is believed that patients with diabetes can not live normal routine so they should take strict dietite.
Decrease in secretion of insulin hormone leads to diabetes. There may be many reasons for diabetes, genetic or aging, or obesity, stress. Diabetes is a disease in which a person has to live with extreme abstinence. If diabetics do not follow their routine then it is more likely to grow. Therefore it is important to follow the diet chart.
- Diet charts
Once the sugar has been there once in a lifetime. It requires a regular routine and nutritional diet to control it. The reason for sugar is due to unhealthy eating habits, mental stress, obesity, lack of exercise etc. Due to which the number of patients is increasing day by day.
For patients with blood sugars, the most important is balanced and regular meals. Dietitian patients can not only keep their sugars in control by adopting a qualified diet chart, but their medication and insulin dosage can also be reduced.
Diabetics should take 40 percent of total calories from carbohydrate substances, 40 percent by fatty substances and 20 percent protein-rich substances in their diet. If the sugar body is high, then it should take 60 percent of total calories from carbohydrate, 20 percent fat and 20 percent protein.
Let us know how diabetic patients should be diabetic and as well as some specific instructions, instructions for controlling diabetes on a typical condition.
- At 6 o'clock - drink half a teaspoon of fenugreek powder in a glass of water.
- At 7 a.m. - one cup of sugar free tea, along with 1-2 light-sugary biscuits can take.
- Breakfast / Breakfast - With half a bowl sprouted grains and a glass of milk without cream.
- After 10 o'clock in the morning - a small fruit or lemonade.
- Lunch at 1am - that is, 2 tablespoons of flour, one bowl of rice, one bowl of lentils, one bowl of curd, half bowl of soya or cottage cheese, half a bowl of green curry and a plate salad together.
- 4pm - a cup of tea and sugar without sugar or sugar free
- Or Toast or 1 apple
- At 6 p.m - drink a cup soup
- Dinner - two loaves, one bowl of rice (2 times in brown rice) and one bowl of lentils, half a bowl green vegetable and a plate salad.
- Drink a glass of milk without cream and sugar. Doing so suddenly does not threaten to reduce the amount of sugar in the night.
- One particular instruction should be avoided by fasting patients of diabetes. Apart from this, there should not be a long gaps between meals and light meal should be done at night dinner. Apart from this, blood sugar is also controlled by regular yoga and exercise.
- Follow this diet chart daily and use only one of the things mentioned above.
- Taking a grinded fenugreek, one or half spoon is taken in the sugar control by taking 15-20 minutes before eating it, and many other organs benefit from it.
- Bring the bread flour in the non-boiling use, if desired, add soybean to enhance its quality.
- Use ghee and oil as little as possible throughout the day.
- Cook all the vegetables in nonstick cookware using the least oil. Eat more than green leafy vegetables.
- About 1 hour before eating the sugar patient, you should walk well and also exercise and yoga. Keep taking insulin and medicines at the right time. Regularly check with the doctor.
- With this, sugar patients should take good amounts of protein and high quality. For this, more of the milk, curd, cheese, egg, fish, soyabean etc. should be consumed. Diabetic people taking diabetes and taking tablets taking insulin should take the food at the right time. If this does not happen, there may be hypoglycemia. Due to this, weakness, excessive appetite, sweating, blurred vision, or double vision, heart failure, shock, and severe situation can also be encountered in the coma.
- The diabetic person should always keep any sweet things such as glucose, sugar, chocolate, sweet biscuit with you. If symptoms of hypoglycemia appear, they should be consumed immediately. A normal diabetic person should keep in mind that they may be eating some time in a while. Eat something in two or two and a half hours. Do not eat a lot of food at one time.
- Disease patients always use double toned milk. Eat less calorie foods such as roasted roasted peanuts, buttermilk, sprouted grains, soup, salad etc. By taking yogurt and buttermilk, glucose levels are lower and diabetes stays in control.