- Why is Sleep (Importance of Sleep)
Sufficient sleep is essential for our physical and mental health. Human body needs as much sleep as much as eating it. Taking adequate sleep does not even affect our performance.
The need for periods of body sleep changes in every age. If the newborn sleeps for 18 hours, then adults need an average of eight hours of sleep.
The direct impact of the lack of adequate sleep occurs on our body's metabolic process and can lead to diseases such as diabetes, weight gain, high blood pressure.
The problem of insomnia (About Insomnia or sleeplessness in Hindi)
According to medical science, three times a week, sleep is not considered as sleeping, which is considered as an anestra. Insomnia is one of the common health problems around the world, which can occur in men and women of any age. These days people are suffering from various types of insomnia.
- Short term insomnia
Short-term or acute insomnia is a common type of insomnia, it occurs for a few days and is caused by minor changes in some drugs or lifestyle.
- Chronic Insomnia
If the problem of insomnia remains for a long time then it can affect your life. If a person fails to sleep properly for more than 30 days, then it means that he is suffering from chronic insomnia.
According to a research, people who sleep less or often sleep late, their views are quite negative compared to other people and they are surrounded by anxieties. Jakob Notta of Binghamton University of America believes that, 'The person who is troubled by negative thoughts and does not sleep at the right time, he will not sleep deeply'.
The main reason for insomnia is tension and stress. But there may be other causes of insomnia which can be both physical or mental or both. Let's know some specific reasons for insomnia.
Physical causes of insomnia
The bedroom is very noisy or too cold or too hot
Bed is small or not comfortable
There is no regular routine of your sleep
Your partner's time or way of sleeping is different from you
You do not have enough fatigue or you do not do enough work
You eat in a lot of time
You go to sleep only after hungry stomach
Pre-gold tea, plenty of coffee (containing chemicals called caffeine), cigarettes or alcohol
You have a disease, pain or a fever
The causes of insomnia (Reason of Insomnia in Hindi)
You are having emotional problems
You have employment related problems
You are confused and anxious
You think about the same problem over and over again
- General treatment
To get rid of the problem of sleeping, people often take sleeping pills, which are not considered to be the right thing. One of the main causes of sleep disorder can also be stress. Here are some tips for getting good sleep:
- Remedies and Treatment of Insomnia
Physical exertion tires the body and enhances the need for rest. So regular sports or walking is beneficial for us, it keeps the body tight and sleep well due to fatigue.
Bed and bedroom are comfortable, not too cold or hot. Keep in mind that the mattress is suitable for you.
Slow music before sleep also relaxes the body and helps sleep.
Keep a small pillow under the head while sleeping. Place a pillow under your knees and the other between your knee and thigh. This will lead to lower body weight and you will be able to sleep comfortably.
Lighten the room light an hour before bedtime.
Think good and positive things while sleeping.
Drink milk before sleeping in the night, which will bring good sleep. Limit the amount of tea-coffee and do not consume more than two-three times a day.
Put a habit of sleeping and waking up on time.
- Make good friends. Stay away from loneliness.
If something is bothering you and you are not thinking about it correctly, then write down your problem on the paper before sleeping and tell yourself that tomorrow you will deal with this problem.
If you do not sleep, then get up and do something that makes you feel light, like reading, watching TV or listening to music and when you feel tired, then go to sleep again.
If gold becomes a necessary work for you, then there is some disturbance. Anita is complaining about the common working Indians. Insomnia is not a disease but a sleepy problem arising from poor lifestyle. If insomnia is long lasting then it can take the form of a serious illness.
Doctors say that for a better health and life an ordinary person must sleep for 7 to 8 hours. But in the race of servant-trade, in a busy routine and forward rush we forget sleep only. Later, when sleep seems very bad, we start taking sleeping pills. But it is better to take sleeping pills than to do some easy home remedies that can relieve the body fatigue and get better sleep.
Home remedies for insomniac
- Eat green vegetables more in green greens and vegetables
Green greens and vegetables are also needed for the body not only for sleep. Especially when the leaves of the greens that are large and have lucidity, it helps a lot in sleeping. Eat porro and spinach greens regularly, it will get better sleep.
- Magnesium and calcium
Both magnesium and calcium are said to be a sleep-enhancing chemical. When it is taken together, it is more effective. Eating magnesium also decreases the risk of heart disease. Eat 200 mg of magnesium (do not take excessive amount of diarrhea) and 600 mg of calcium in the night, better sleep.
- Wild salad or wild lettuce
If you are complaining about the pain of stress, headaches, muscles and joints, then you will know the wild salad leaf. It is also very effective in body fatigue, depression and insomnia. Before sleeping, apply 30 to 120 milligrams in the feet, fatigue will disappear, and sleep will rest.
- Hops
It is a type of wild plant whose fruit is used to make beer. Nirida, Tension and Depression patients are added to its fruit juice so that they can rest sleep.
- Aromatherapy
The aroma is closely related to the brain. Many people sleep under the pillow of jasmine under their pillows on their beds. Many people keep the plants of Rajnigandha or similar aromatic flowers in their balcony so that their aroma can get better sleep in the night. Lavender flowers are also very effective for the patients of Nida. By keeping its flower under the pillow, the aroma spreads to the entire room and sleep is better.
- Yoga and meditation
Take yoga and meditation in regular practice. There are no hard seats to do in Yoga, but the ordinary posture that brings peace to the mind. Before going to bed, meditate first 5 to 10 minutes. Do not distract you during meditation and concentrate on your breath only. Better sleep will come in the night.
- L-theanine
In green tea, an amino acids called L -thianin are found. Drinking it in the day gives you freshness and freshness. Drinking in your mind and at night, sleep deeply.