- Egg health friend or foe
We have been listening to this proverb from childhood, 'Sunday or Monday, eat eggs every day'. But do you know that if the egg can make your health, then its intake of information can spoil your health. Let's learn about the benefits and disadvantages of eggs. image source Getty Images
- Lose weight
According to the University of Missouri, people who eat eggs at breakfast daily are less likely to lose weight compared to those who do not take breakfast in the morning to lose weight.
- Blood pressure control
The white part of the egg has the ability to reduce blood pressure. According to the study report of American scientists printed in Science Daily, the white part of the egg is already popular among those who do not want to eat yellow part or yolk due to excessive cholesterol. Now it is also known that the white part is capable of reducing blood pressure.
- For hair

- cardiovascular health
According to a report by Yale University, the egg is also safe for cardiovascular patients. University researchers have given some cardiovascular patients six eggs for two weeks in breakfast and examined the results. According to the researches, their weight of cholesterol, blood pressure and body was quite normal. According to researchers, summer or winter, in any season the egg could not harm the heart. It takes care of the heart.
- Good cholesterol enhances
There are two types of bad and good cholesterol in our body. Egg helps in enhancing good cholesterol i.e. HDL. It is slow to become cholesterol in people battling metabolic syndrome. According to research by the University of Connecticut, the egg is suitable for such people.
- Take limited doses only

- Use of less oil
Care should be taken to cook eggs too. If you use less oil to make omelet or halffry, your cholesterol level keeps well.
- Do not take allergies
Some people are allergic to the egg. It may take a few minutes or a few hours to detect. Body rashes, swelling in the skin and red, cramping, diarrhea, nasal bleeding, itching and watering in the eyes are some of the symptoms, from which allergies can be detected in the egg.
- Fear of infection

- The egg is not for them
Those who have high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases should not eat the yellow part of the egg. There is too much cholesterol in it, which is harmful to the heart.
Nice article thanks for that !