Jogging is also helpful in not only reducing weight loss ! Every woman only wants to give birth to a healthy baby. To fulfill this desire, it is important to take adequate nutritious diet during pregnancy. The development of a fetus depends on the mother's right diet plan. Famous dietician Simran Saini says that in the diet, a woman normally needs 1800 calories but during pregnancy, more than 1,800 calories for mother and baby are required during pregnancy.
According to the Food and Nutrition Board, the woman should take 350 extra calories in pregnancy. That is, generally a pregnant woman should get about 2200 to 2300 calories from her diet. In pregnant women's plate there should be adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber, iron, zinc and calcium in the appropriate amount. Today we are telling you the right diet plan for a woman in pregnancy based pregnancy based on the conversation with dietician Simran Saini.
- Benefits of jogging
By jogging you stay away from diseases and your body remains healthy and healthy. Jogging should be included in its daily routine for better and good health. But if someone is suffering from high blood pressure or heart disease, it is important to consult your doctor before starting it. Jogging increases the immunity of disease and gets rid of it forever from cold winters. Also, the body's blood circulation is good, it strengthens your heart. By jogging everyday you feel refreshed throughout the day.
- Beneficial for the heart
Jogging or rushing improves health. It strengthens the heart, as well as strengthens muscles and body too. Jogging every morning is less prone to getting sick. You will be surprised to know that not only to be lean, but also low-bodied people also do jogging to gain weight. Not only this, you have good health for a long time.
- Sleep well

- Tips for Increasing Weight Gain
In the beginning, start walking on a slow pace for warming your muscles (warm you). Do this for at least ten minutes.
Now stop jogging and move a little ahead (jumping) and move forward. Now stand your feet upright and tilt the knee of the left leg downwards until it touches the ground. Now this process is exactly what the opposite foot should keep in the future. Repeat this process for ten minutes.
After this, start running slow for two minutes. This jogging device helps in removing lactic acid from the muscles.
Now stop jogging and sit down and sit for a minute. After this sitting, straighten your legs forward and move the shoulders forward. This will calm your body and then wake up and slow jogging for a minute.
Now sprint with a speed for a minute. Running at full speed during this time. After that wait for some time and then start jogging.
Regarding the introduction of jogging in terms of weight and making any changes to diet or fitness, make sure to consult.
- Do not be afraid of these things
These days, you may feel excessively tired because at this time there is a hormonal change in the body. In this way, you need rest. In addition, there may be problems like passing urine over and over again, which is very common. Washing is also a problem for most pregnant women.
- Dinner (8 o'clock)
Foods made from omega-3 fatty acids are extremely beneficial for the development of the child's brain. Calcium and vitamins are beneficial in the development of babies' tooth and bones. Beta carotene is very important for healthy skin and clean blood, as well as the need for iron you have nine months.
Do not eat tea or caffeine with food containing iron, because the tannins in it make iron absorption difficult in your body. All these things have been made keeping in mind the Diet Chart of the second trimester.
- Breakfast (9 o'clock)
Toned milk / 1 bowl curd with 3 slices brown bread / one bowls oats / porridge / whole grains, 30 grams / poha / upma / 2 stuffed chapati + one egg white / 25 grams of sprouts one cup of tea / 150 ml milk + 1 piece Dhokla / Bhel / 30 grams roasted gram / 2 digestive biscuits
- Weight Watchers
The weight should increase from about ten to thirteen kg in general during pregnancy. Increasing one to two kg weight is considered correct during each trimester. According to the Expert, go to the Walk in the Daily and Do Deep Breathing Exercises.