However, it is known to all that weight loss exercise is also important for weight loss, as well as exercise for weight loss. But the difficulty comes when you do not know this, after all, what exercises you can add to your daily routine, not just lose weight but also reduce your weight easily. So now it's not a matter of concern, let's tell you, now you sit at home, weight loss exercises.
- Some Important tips
At least you have to exercise 30 minutes daily. With this, you will easily reduce the weight and will be smart throughout the day.
Before exercising any exercise, it is important to pay attention to its guidelines. As you exercise under the open space and before exercise you have an empty stomach, you also have plenty of time, otherwise exercising in stress can result in loss instead of reaching you.
However, if you do not want to exercise in the open, you can do indoor workouts such as water aerobics, hydrotherapy and yoga etc., or outdoor workout volleyball, badminton and walk etc., this will help you lose weight.
Stretching of the watches is very beneficial by eating stretching of the body to reduce weight through exercise.
Exercise by lifting light weight, it will fit your body and balance it.
During exercise, loud breath should be pulled out in and out everyday, it forces the stomach and reduces the extra fat.
You can also add daily dance to your routine. This will definitely keep you fit.
Take a walk in the morning and evening after eating dinner, this will cause your food to pass quickly and extra calories will also burn.
By doing subtle exercises can also reduce weight. In astral exercises, breathing can be done by all the actions of questionnaires, chest and abdomen.
Doing prizes is very beneficial in losing weight. If you do pramanam for 10 minutes daily, you will see your body's excess fat decreasing in no time.
While exercising, keep in mind that you exercise only according to your ability and gradually increase the time. Do not suddenly finish the workout but before that, do deep breathing, meditation and stretching.

Weight loss can also be done by staying relaxed and having good sleep. It not only keeps the mind happy, but also makes the body move fast.
If you want to stay fit for long periods of time, then you need to balance your diet and exercise also in your daily routine.
Every woman only wants to give birth to a healthy baby. To fulfill this desire, it is important to take adequate nutritious diet during pregnancy. The development of a fetus depends on the mother's right diet plan. Famous dietician Simran Saini says that in the diet, a woman normally needs 1800 calories but during pregnancy, more than 1,800 calories for mother and baby are required during pregnancy.
According to the Food and Nutrition Board, the woman should take 350 extra calories in pregnancy. That is, generally a pregnant woman should get about 2200 to 2300 calories from her diet. In pregnant women's plate there should be adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber, iron, zinc and calcium in the appropriate amount. Today we are telling you the right diet plan for a woman in pregnancy based pregnancy based on the conversation with dietician Simran Saini.
- Early months of pregnancy
In the first trimester of pregnancy, you should eat foods containing folic acid. Folic acid supplements should also be taken along with it. More amounts of iron-rich substances are needed, which help in the formation of your baby's red blood cells. Vitamin B6 is needed to deal with the morning sickness that is felt in this quarter. You should reduce the consumption of caffeine content. The diet chart given in the first trimester is made by keeping in mind all the essential nutrients.
- Do not be afraid of these things
These days, you may feel excessively tired because at this time there is a hormonal change in the body. In this way, you need rest. In addition, there may be problems like passing urine over and over again, which is very common. Washing is also a problem for most pregnant women.
- Breakfast (9 o'clock)

- Dinner (8 o'clock)
Foods made from omega-3 fatty acids are extremely beneficial for the development of the child's brain. Calcium and vitamins are beneficial in the development of babies' tooth and bones. Beta carotene is very important for healthy skin and clean blood, as well as the need for iron you have nine months. Do not eat tea or caffeine with food containing iron, because the tannins in it make iron absorption difficult in your body. All these things have been made keeping in mind the Diet Chart of the second trimester.
- Weight Watchers
The weight should increase from about ten to thirteen kg in general during pregnancy. Increasing one to two kg weight is considered correct during each trimester. According to the Expert, go to the Walk in the Daily and Do Deep Breathing Exercises.
- How much profit from
A total of 1800 calories + (170 extras) + 15 grams of protein + 1000 mg calcium +2 servings vitamins C rich food + 400 mg folic acid + 8 glass liquid + 35 mg iron for the development of energy and infant Besides, the fluids should be consumed. Include cereals and pulses made with whole grains. For the development of fatal tissue, it is important to drink milk regularly, add daily 750 ml milk in the diet daily after breakfast and dinner.
By taking 50 grams of paneer and egg white, the infant's internal organs develop properly. Take the non-veg for blood level. Beans and two to three bowl lentils / sprouts / soya helps in developing placenta. To develop the infant's brain, eating 20 grams nuts / 5-6 almonds + 1-2 nut daily is important. Eat processed cheese and whole grains, green leafy vegetables, egg yolk for baby teeth and its test buds. Take strawberries for the development of baby's teeth and bones. Also use melon and capsicum for the metabolic process. To reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the infant, increase the consumption of green vegetables, citrus fats, juices, whole grains, breeds, liver, dried beans and peas. Drink plenty of water to increase fates sales.

- Essential quantity
If the body is fed more than its needs, then the result will constantly emerge as the weight gain. If it is not taken care of in time, then the person will eventually get into the grip of obesity. But preventing obesity is possible. For this, only the right amount of good quality food is to be eaten.
- Eat control
Changes in food are the easiest and least cost-effective way to deal with obesity problems. The first phase of obesity is to lose weight and keep it even further. If you lose weight of 5 to 10 percent within 3 to 6 months, you can achieve your goal comfortably. It is safe to lose weight from 500 gm to 1 kg in a week, which is not only possible but also sustainable.